September 16, 2020

We’ve always thought that teachers are heroes. Teaching, guiding and caring for kids every day is one of the toughest and most important jobs in the world even when things are totally normal.

These days, however, being a teacher has become even more challenging. Whether they’re teaching remotely or in-person, they have more to contend with than ever before.

So, it’s more important than ever to show them they’re appreciated. Since the school year is just getting started, this is a perfect time for school administrators, and friends and family members of teachers to send them a special teacher appreciation gift.

2020 Teacher T Shirt Theme

Teaching in 2020 is a whole different ballgame. But then again, educators have always been great at being resourceful and making the most of any situation. School admins could score big points by showing their gratitude with a funny teacher t-shirt that celebrates grace under pressure during these unusual times.

1.  Teachers can do virtually anything
2.  Teachers are essential
3.  I’m smiling under my mask and hugging you in my heart
4.  Teaching from a distance – Making a difference
5.  Teacher strong – quarantine edition
6.  Keep on teaching on
7.  Tough times don’t last, tough teachers do
8.  Coffee, Zoom, Teach, Repeat
9.  You gon’ e-learn today
10.  Teacher – I’ll be there for you
11.  iTeach – No app for that
12  Dedicated teacher, even from a distance
13.  Teacher strong – no matter the distance

Inspiring Teacher T Shirt Designs

Our custom teacher t shirt ideas will give you inspiration. Many teachers, both remote and in-person, are ending their days feeling exhausted, sad and frustrated about the fact that they’re unable to have a normal school year. Now is a great time to remind them that what they do makes the world go round.

14.  Teachers will save the world
15.  Teachers change lives
16.  I teach therefore I am
17.  Difference maker
18.  What do teachers make? A difference
19.  Teaching is heart work
20.  Teaching creates all other professions
21.  The influence of a good teacher can never be erased
22.  It takes a big heart to teach little minds
23.  The future of the world is in my classroom
24.  Teaching future leaders
25.  Changing the world one student at a time

Funny Teacher T Shirts

When times are tough, laughter goes a very long way. And no matter how stressed teachers get, most of them have a sense of humor that helps them keep perspective. That’s why they’ll appreciate these funny teacher t-shirts that put a smile on their faces.

26.  May your coffee be strong and your students be calm
27.  If you can read this thank a teacher
28.  I’m a teacher – Let’s just assume I’m never wrong
29.  My favorite people call me, “Ms/Mr. _______”
30.  I’m a teacher, what’s your superpower?
31.  Teachers are just superheroes in disguise
32.  Don’t make me use my teacher voice
33.  That’s what I do – I teach and I know things
34.  I got 99 problems and you’re going to show your work on all of them
35.   Chaos coordinator
36.  It’s fine, I’m fine, everything is fine #TeacherStrong

Same Day Tees makes it easy to do group orders if you’re buying custom teacher t-shirts or hoodies for your whole staff. Once you finalize your design, we’ll create your own online store so that all staff members can go in to submit their size and shipping address. We’ll handle the rest!

Learn more about our custom company stores or get in touch to speak with someone about your order.

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